Learn to skate with Microbells

The Homer Hockey Association and the Kevin Bell Ice Arena offer Microbells, a learn-to-skate through hockey program for ages 4 to 6.

Sunday classes are full, but classes are still open from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesdays. The program is offered to youngsters ready to learn to skate in a safe and encouraging environment.

Skaters spend one hour per week with dedicated coaches learning skating and hockey skills with an emphasis on fun and sportsmanship. Kids learn how to skate and play without knowing they are doing it — no stress, no pressure.

Session 2 runs January through March and is free for brand-new skaters or $160 for returning skaters. Gear and skates are provided.

For information and to register, call Shelly Laukitis at 299-4654 or register at www.kevinbellarena.org.