It’s time for a change

Seventy years ago U.S. forces began the final push to remove fascism from Europe. This year Alaskans can begin the final push to eliminate 35 years of Bush-Reagan fascism from Alaska and the United States. For those who doubt we have been under fascist, rather than conservative control, I refer to an expert. “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Those are the words of Benito Mussolini.

Since there is no quick, easy way to undo the damage to Alaska and the United States caused by the five hard-core, fascist, prostitute Justice majority U.S. Supreme Court, we must begin by removing fascist politicians, like Don Young, from the U.S. House. 

As a 30-year political prisoner of the Bush-Reagan fascist criminal vermin, I have established my anti-fascist credentials. One of my first acts upon election will be to introduce legislation to reverse the effects of “Citizens United” and “McCutcheon.”

Vote Yes on Proposition 1. See 

Frank Vondersaar, candidate for U.S. House