Homer man sentenced for attempted sexual assault

Vance Wolford was convicted by a Homer jury in May

Vance Wolford, 33, was sentenced on Wednesday, Aug. 28 for attempted first-degree sexual assault — a charge which, along with seven other charges including indecent exposure in the first degree, two count of assault in the fourth degree, two counts of stalking in the first degree, and two counts of criminal trespass in the first degree, he was convicted of by a Homer jury following a five-day trial in May.

According to an Aug. 29 press release from the State of Alaska Department of Law, Wolford was sentenced to 25 years in prison with 10 years suspended for the attempted sexual assault charge.

Evidence presented at trial showed that Wolford “aggressively propositioned” two women whom he did now know on May 21, 2022, the release states. He was convicted of criminal trespass and stalking for coming back to the first woman’s residence after he propositioned her and she told him to leave. Wolford was sentenced to 90 days in prison for each of those charges.

According to the release, Wolford was sentenced to 25 years with 10 years suspended for attempted first-degree sexual assault and four years with two years suspended for indecent exposure for the attack on the second woman. When Wolford is released, he will be required to register as a sex offender for life and will be on felony probation for 17 years. He was also sentenced to an additional 180 days for criminal trespass and an additional 180 days for stalking.

At sentencing, Superior Court Judge Bride Seifert said that for Wolford’s offenses, lengthy periods of isolation and probation were necessary. The release notes that Seifert also stated that both women Wolford committed crimes against were “strong, resilient and resourceful.”

“But for the actions of the first woman, Wolford may not have been caught; while the second woman did everything in her power to prevent herself from being sexually assaulted,” the release states.