The rain has returned. It’s starting to feel as if the summer is ending. It’s this time of the year that I start getting questions as to how long the Homer Farmers Market will stay open.
Don’t worry, it’s open for another month. There is way too much production in this area during this time of the year to even think about closing the Market before the last Saturday in September.
And why would you want it to end? It has been fun entertaining guests over the summer and watching them taking pictures of every scene that they see. Last Saturday at the Market, I have to admit, I was wishing I had a camera.
The buckets of tomatillos at the Hickman Farm booth, the “carrots with character” at Hilltop Farms booth, or the lovely Romanesco spiraling out of the totes at Robert Heimbach’s booth. Gorgeously striped tomatoes amongst the vegetables at Synergy Gardens booth, the giant cauliflower at Twitter Creek Farms booth. And of course, if you hang out too long in front of Bob Durr’s booth, he will regale you with stories about how his heirloom tomatoes are from seeds he saved on a recent trip to Italy this winter.
Some things would be great to have a picture of just to send back to those family members in the Lower 48 who still believe that Alaskans live in igloos, like the eggplant or watermelon or (coming this week) cantaloupe at the Driscoll’s booth. And now there are three different vendors selling corn. These are not vegetables grown in igloos.
These are vegetables grown by amazingly dedicated farmers in an amazingly beautiful place with amazing soils, amazing water, and amazing air. You really can’t achieve food that is better than that we have in our area. Add to that a Farmers Market that has been promoting this food for 20 years. It’s simply amazing.
So head on down to the Homer Farmers Market on Ocean Drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. this Saturday or 2 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and gather up some of the most beautiful and amazing produce ever grown.
Kyra Wagner is the coordinator of Sustainable Homer and the Homer Farmers Market’s biggest fan.