There are hundreds of children and families trick-or-treating this Thursday in neighborhoods throughout Homer. The residents of East Bayview and Mountainview avenues remind you that East Bayview and Mountainview are “Halloween One-Ways” from 5-8 p.m., east on Mountainview, west on Bayview. Walk, carpool, or park-and-walk where possible.
Other neighborhoods like Sabrina/Rochelle and Soundview also experience high volumes of traffic and children trick-or-treating on roads without sidewalks.
Motorists, please drive safely and slowly. Pedestrians, consider using headlights, flashlights or reflective tape to make yourselves and your little ones more visible.
Hats off to the residents of the Bayview and Mountainview areas for wholeheartedly embracing a home-grown solution and for sustaining a marvelous Halloween tradition.
Happy Haunting,
Adele Person Groning