The Wolf Ridge trail is in and the Kachemak Nordic Ski Club appreciates the financial support of its members, grooming support by member/volunteers, Cook Inlet Region incorporated for granting a use permit and Wise Services for snowcat grooming. The trail leaves from the McNeil Canyon Ski Trail System at Mile 12 East End Road behind McNeil Canyon Elementary School.
Be cautious in brush-constricted locations where the trail overlaps with snowmachine and mushing trails. Thanks to snowmachiners for crossing perpendicular to the trail in open areas and keeping to one side where trails overlap. Dogs must be under voice control and their poop packed out from all ski club trails. Watch for trail updates on the Kachemak Nordic Ski Club Facebook page and website. Become a member to support the great ski and snowshoe trails around Homer.
Nicky Szarzi, vice president
Kachemak Nordic Ski Club