Homer trick-or-treaters got to experience Halloween just like kids Outside when balmy temperatures allowed them to hit the streets in their costumes and not bundled up in snowsuits. Now in its seventh year, one-way street closures on Bayview Avenue and Mountainview Avenue minimized vehicle traffic on the streets and turned the downtown Homer neighborhoods into an orderly and safe parade of costumed children — and even a few adults.
Homer Police and Alaska State Troopers directed traffic at the busy Bayview Avenue and Main Street intersections. Firefighters with the Homer Volunteer Fire Department parked a fire truck on Bayview. Some residents even got into the spirit of the night, dressing up in costume as they delivered candy. A few homes had Halloween decorations right out of a Wes Craven horror movie.
One of the one-way street organizers, Adele Person, said she counted about 625 visitors to her house. Story Real Estate organized a candy drive to help people from being overwhelmed by crowds seeking treats.