Our community needs to concentrate on alternative, renewable, affordable sources of energy. Homer property owners should not subsidize Enstar’s natural gas line, therefore I object to the Homer Natural Gas Special Assessment District.
Enstar is banking on the city of Homer property owners to pay for their gas delivery line. The city of Homer is trying to force property owners to pay for this gas line whether they will actually hook up to it or not. I believe that Enstar should buy its own gas line delivery system like any other ethical utility company and only charge customers who chose to hook up to their fuel line, not every property owner in the city limits.
Personally I cannot afford the conversion costs of my propane heaters, appliances and plumbing lines in my home. The future prospects of this fuel source are questionable until a nearby discovery is made. Until then, this gas line project is dangerously risky for the city of Homer to get involved with. This gas line is not an ethical, reasonable or affordable source of energy for the people of Homer.
Collectively we should pass on this bad deal Enstar has offered. Property owners, please remember to turn in your Statement of Objection to the city hall by 5 p.m. Friday. To make this bad deal go away, 1,900 property owners need to object.
Sincerely and without hesitation,
Meg Mitchell