DOT to hold open house on area projects

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities will hold an open house on current and future projects for Homer next week.

Held from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, in the Cowles Council Chambers at City Hall, officials will provide information on three construction projects happening this summer and one proposed for 2020.

Southcentral Construction is the bidder for the 2019 projects. Those are:

• Pioneer Avenue Pavement Preservation: Sterling Highway to Lake Street

• Homer Airport Safety Improvements

• Sterling Highway and Main Street Intersection Improvement

Officials also will discuss the Lake Street Rehabilitation, West Hill Pavement Preservation and East Hill Preservation projects.

The Pioneer Avenue project will extend the life of Pioneer Avenue pavement. The project will grind, reshape, and pave the roadway to remove ruts, cracks and potholes, and protect the underlying structural materials. Additional work includes curb ramp upgrades and storm drain repairs.

Southcentral Construction Inc. may begin minor work this year. The 2019 work will focus on the storm drain cleaning.

The airport project will improve safety by reconstructing taxiway safety areas for Taxiway B and Taxiway E; replace perimeter security fence; relocate primary wind cone and segmented circle; and relocate supplemental wind cone.

At Main Street and the Sterling Highway, Southcentral Construction will begin work this year to install a traffic signal with right-turn lanes on the Sterling Highway to improve the function of the intersection.

The signal is expected to reduce crash rates and the delay times.

Information will also be available on the following projects currently in the design and/or right-of-way acquisition phase.

The Lake Street Rehabilitation project will extend the life of the roadway, improve conditions for walking and biking, and improve drainage.

The project will widen the road to the west and add bike lanes to both sides; reconstruct curb/gutter and sidewalk on the east side and replace failing culverts.

Construction is to begin in 2020 pending completing of ROW acquisition and availability of funding.

The West Hill Road Pavement Preservation Project includes signing, striping, drainage, pavement, dig-outs, curb ramps, guardrail, lighting, and utility relocation. Construction is slated for 2020.

The East Hill Road project will resurface the entire length of East Hill Road, extend the road’s service life, repair drainage facilities, and improve safety.

The project includes signing, striping, drainage, pavement, dig-outs, curb ramps, guardrail, and utility relocation. Construction is slated for 2021.
