The Homer High School DDF — Drama, Debate and Forensics — team began its season with a meet at Bartlett High School in Anchorage last weekend and came home with some impressive results:
Duet acting: 1. Evan Boyer and August Kilcher; 2. Robert Hockema and Eryn Gillam; 3. Loren Jones and Zane Boyer; 4. Drewy Wimmerstedt and Iustine Kuznetsov; 5. Johanna Allen and Maya Jones.
Pantomime: 2. Landon Bunting; 3. Nolan Bunting.
Lincoln-Douglas: semi-finalist, Robert Hockema.
Reader’s theatre: 2. Chloe Pleznac, Landon Bunting, Rowyn Cunningham, Kaitlyn Baxter, John Vanek; 4. Falcom Greear, Robert Hockema, Lauren Jones, Iustina Kuznetsov, Zane Boyer, Drewy Wimmerstedt, Erin Farrell, Maya Jones, Carly McLean, Johanna Allen, Diana Gaedecke.
Solo acting: 2. Lindsey Schneider; 3. August Kilcher.
Foreign extemporaneous speaking: 3. Robert Hockema.
In addition to 23 students from Homer, there also were students from West Anchorage, South Anchorage, Service, East and Dimond high schools.
Head Coach Amy Johnson said a total 30 students have turned out to be on the HHS team and she is encouraged with what she’s seeing.
“It looks good,” said Johnson. “I’m excited about this team.”
The next DDF tournament takes place in November.
“However, we are hosting a tournament in January,” said Johnson, who will be putting out a call to judges before the event.