Comp plan team to hold community work session

The public is invited to share feedback on three potential growth scenarios on Tuesday

Project leaders for the Homer Comprehensive Plan Rewrite will hold a community work session on Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 6-8 p.m. at the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m.

Community members are invited to share feedback during the work session on three potential growth scenarios developed by the project team, which includes City of Homer staff and consultants from Agnew::Beck. The scenarios have been developed using previous community input, city planning documents and demographic information.

One of the questions that will be raised during the session is how population and job growth might change land use and development patterns in Homer over time. Community members are also invited to share their preferences for a future Homer. Project leaders intend for this exercise to assist in developing goals, objectives and recommendations for the comp plan rewrite and subsequent Title 21 revision.

Comments, questions and concerns about the comp plan revision process and products to date can also be sent to City of Homer planner Ryan Foster at or Agnew::Beck project consultant Shelly Wade at

The project team also recently released summaries for the community and business surveys which were conducted earlier this year. The results are located on the project website.

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