Cash for Cans food drive raises $76,300

Diana Jeska of the Homer Community Food Pantry, left, accepts a check from Alaska USA Federal Credit Union Homer branch manager Alita Mahan. Alaska USA Foundation recently announced that Alaska USA Federal Credit Union members contributed $76,300 to support community food banks during the annual Cash for Cans Food Drive. The $53,500 raised through Alaska branches will benefit not only the Homer pantry, but also the Food Bank of Alaska in Anchorage, Fairbanks Food Bank, Palmer Food Bank, Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, Kodiak Island Food Bank, Mat-Su Food Bank, Southeast Alaska Food Bank in Juneau and the Salvation Army in Bethel and Ketchikan. “The Cash for Cans drive makes it easy for members to donate when they come into a branch,” said Janell Adams, senior vice president, branch administration. “We’re proud that members stepped up again this year and exceeded last year’s amount by 15 percent. With this year’s total funds, the food banks can provide more than 330,000 pounds of food to families in need.” The Alaska USA Foundation was established in 2003 to support 501(c)(3) charitable organizations that provide needs-based services to children, veterans, and active duty members of the military and their families. Since its inception, the Foundation has distributed over $1.2 million to these organizations.
