Business in Brief

Marine Trades group 

to attend Seattle expo

Homer Marine Trades Association recently sent its members renewal forms and cooperative marketing forms for 2016.

The association “is looking forward to another great year promoting Homer and our port as the best place to get boat work done,” according to a press release from HMTA.

The association in cooperation with the port of Homer will have a booth at the Pacific Marine Expo in Seattle Nov. 18-20. This is the premier show for the marine industry.

Businesses interested in joining the Homer Marine Trades Association are invited to call Kate Mitchell at 235-8363.


Deadline extended for

IPHC nominations

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is extending the nomination period for candidates to fill two U.S. commissioner seats on the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Terms for the current commissioners expire on Dec. 31, 2015. U.S. commissioners are appointed for a term not to exceed two years, and are eligible for reappointment. The international commission governs the harvest of halibut in the Pacific. It is comprised of commissioners from both U.S. and Canada.

Currently, Bob Alverson and Don Lane, both sitting commissioners, are the only nominees, according to National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Region spokesperson Julie Speegle. Lane fills the Alaska resident seat and Alverson the nonresident seat.

In May 2015, National Marine Fisheries Service, or NMFS, publicly solicited nominations for two presidential appointments to serve as U.S. commissioners to the halibut commission.

The lack of a larger candidate pool impacts the ability of the recommending officials to propose alternate commissioners. The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, may designate alternate U.S. commissioners to serve in the absence of duly appointed U.S. commissioners.

The original public solicitation period for nominations was extended from the original deadline of June 4 until Sept. 18.

Nominations may be emailed to, or mailed to Patrick Moran, National Marine Fisheries Service Office of International Affairs, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, or faxed to 301-713-2313.

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