Be tsunami aware

Governor declares March 20-26 Tsunami Preparedness Week

Gov. Mike Dunleavy declared March 20-26 Tsunami Preparedness Week, according to a press release Monday from the governor’s office. Tsunami Preparedness Week coincides with the anniversary of the 1964 Good Friday Earthquake, the largest recorded earthquake in U.S. history and in which tsunami waves caused the greatest loss of life.

To prepare for tsunamis, Alaskans are encouraged to know the risk, understand the warning signs, practice evacuating low lying coastal areas and build an emergency kit.

Knowing the risk means understanding the potential impact of tsunamis on coastal communities, including inundation zones, and learning evacuation routes.

Understanding the warning signs means knowing that a violent earthquake will be the first sign of a potential tsunami. Sirens will alert communities of evacuations. The Emergency Alert System will broadcast messages through local radio and the Wireless Alert System will deliver alerts through cell phones. Watch for signs like rapidly receding seas.

Practicing evacuating low lying areas means identifying evacuation routes if you live or visit a tsunami vulnerable community.

Building an emergency kit means preparing a kit with enough food, water, medical supplies and other supplies for two weeks.

For more information, follow on social media at #TsunamiPrepAK.

Photo by Michael Armstrong/Homer News
Two bald eagles perch on a tsunami warning tower on Monday, March 14, on the Homer Spit. Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Tuesday declared March 20-26 as Tsunami Preparedness Week in Alaska.

Photo by Michael Armstrong/Homer News Two bald eagles perch on a tsunami warning tower on Monday, March 14, on the Homer Spit. Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Tuesday declared March 20-26 as Tsunami Preparedness Week in Alaska.
