20 years ago
When Jean Keene tosses out fish scraps every winter morning about 9 a.m. on the Homer Spit, her feeding doesn’t just attract bald eagles. Residents and tourists alike come to watch hundreds of eagles swirl around her cabin. Mixed among the casual bird watchers can be seen more intent visitors, their long lenses poking out of the sides of rental cars — serious wildlife photographers. Earlier this month, about 20 photographers visited Homer in two five-day, back-to-back instructional workshops run by nature photographers Greg Downing and Arthur Morris.
— From the issue of Feb. 24, 2005
30 years ago
Federal enforcers gave notice last week that they want to levy $1.5 million in fines against Cook Inlet oil producers they say dumped more sewage, domestic waste, oil and grease into Cook Inlet than federal law allows. The EPA served complaints for 827 alleged violations of the general permit under the Clean Water Act that covers oil operations in Cook Inlet. Environmental groups say they’ve documented 4,200 violations. The EPA has given the companies 20 days to contest the 827 alleged violations informally, said Kevin Tabler, land manager for Unocal in Anchorage. Tabler said that Unocal, at least, plans to contest some of the EPA citations.
— From the issue of Feb. 23, 1995