Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

The Homer post of the Alaska State Troopers is moving to Anchor Point, Major Joe Masters, trooper deputy director, said last week. Department of Public Safety Commissioner Bill Tandeske and trooper director Col. Julia Grimes made the decision earlier this month, Masters said. A request for proposals to lease space in the Anchor Point area will go out soon. The troopers’ lease in the Homer Police Department building expired July 31 and was extended to Oct. 31, Masters said. The troopers hope to get a short extension on the Homer lease and move to new offices by December.

— From the issue of Sept. 23, 2004

30 years ago

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has done an about-face on the issue of a seabird aquarium in its proposed visitor’s center along the Homer Bypass. Although the 38,000-gallon aquarium for horned and tufted puffins, common murres and pigeon guillemots is still a possibility, Fish & Wildlife officials are now backing a new proposal. It would keep the plans for the visitor’s center and refuge headquarters as they were proposed the beginning of last year, but without the aquarium. Poppy Benson, a Fish & Wildlife outdoor recreation planner, said the reason for her agency’s shift is financial — and political.

— From the issue of Sept. 22, 1994