Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

Homer residents are getting closer to the day when they can walk into a larger library, find a unique book and easily grab an empty table for a comfortable read. Planners for the new library project told the Homer Chamber of Commerce Tuesday that the design has reached the 65-percent phase. The next step, they said, is to keep support for the project high through next month’s city election. That election will be a moment of truth for the project, said Sue Mauger, chairperson of the Library Advisory Board. Proposition 1 on the Oct. 5 election ballot will ask voters whether the city should pursue up to $2.2 million in loans for the purposes of building the new library.

— From the issue of Sept. 2, 2004

30 years ago

When the Homer District Court employees arrived at work Thursday morning of last week, they found a disaster. Someone, or a group of people, had set off four fire extinguishers inside the courthouse complex — in the clerk’s office, as well as the court room and adjoining offices — and poured all-purpose cleaner, such as Mr. Clean, over all the electrical equipment during the early morning hours, said Homer Police Lt. Dennis Oakland. No one has pinned a price on the cost of cleanup and repairs, but Oakland says it’s in the “thousands of dollars.”

— From the issue of Sept. 1, 1994