Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

Clam farms or no clam farms? That was the question raised at a public hearing Thursday, as the Alaska Department of Fish and Game heard comments for and against its recent proposal to allow on-bottom aquatic farming in the Kachemak Bay and Fox River Flats critical habitat areas. More than 60 people crammed into the Kachemak Drive conference room to give comments and gather information on what has become a contentious debate since Fish and Game announced the proposed change in regulations July 19. Many in attendance looked to gain or lose economically from the changes. Others were more concerned about public access.

— From the issue of Aug. 12, 2004

30 years ago

Soil contaminated by leaking diesel fuel has been found at a water pump station 100 feet from the city reservoir and cleaning it up could cost more than $68,000, Homer city officials said this week. The odor of fuel was detected July 26 when holes were being dug for a new fence around the pump station. The city immediately notified the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and a plan for correcting the problem has been approved by the DEC, said Hugh Bevan, director of public works. Although the contaminated soil is very near the city water supply, tests show drinking water leaving the city water treatment plant is clean.

— From the issue of Aug. 11, 1994