Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

City council watchdog Frank Griswold has filed against the city of Homer in the ongoing battle over the future of retail development in the city’s business districts. This is the fourth time Griswold has sued the city in less than 10 years. All dealt with zoning issues. Since early spring, when the council adopted the 35,000-square-foot size cap and residents submitted the voter initiative petition, Griswold said he would be keeping an eye on the process. If voters had turned down the initiative last month — which calls for a 66,000-square-foot footprint — the point would have been moot. However, 58 percent of Homer residents voted in favor of the larger store size thus enacting a zoning ordinance through the vote of the people.

— From the issue of July 8, 2004

30 years ago

Gerald Willard handed in his resignation last week after six years as Seldovia’s mayor, saying it doesn’t have anything to do with the politicial turmoil that has arisen over the Seldovia City Council’s refusal last week to renew the contract of its city manager. Willard said he just doesn’t have the time to keep up with city affairs, particularly with his new job responsibilities. His resignation takes effect Wednesday at the council’s next meeting. Willard said he got 17 letters asking him to vote against renewing Widom’s contract and also saw a petition signed by 48 people praising his performance as city manager. But he said he wasn’t able to attend the meeting during which the council voted not to renew the contract.

— From the issue of Jul7 7, 1994