Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

A girl told McNeil Canyon Elementary School Principal Pete Swanson that three boys planned to take over the school using firearms. School officials took the threat seriously and notified Alaska State Troopers. Officials suspended the boys indefinitely.

Trooper Tom Dunn said because the boys had access to fireamrs he thought the boys might have proceeded with their plan. The boys wanted to hold the school hostage for more recess time.

— From the issue of Sept. 26, 2002

30 years ago

A pod of beluga whales returned on to Kachemak Bay as they have been each fall. Kevin Bell, first mate on the research vessel Tiglax, said they come like clockwork every fall on the extreme tides. Beluga whales sometimes congregate on the mud flats at the head of the bay. Marine mammal scientists said they didn’t know why the whales come into the bay every year.

— From the issue of Oct. 1, 1992

50 years ago

The Sept. 28, 1972 issue is missing from the Homer News archives.