20 years ago
The Aug. 27 primary election ballot looked different. Under the new system, voters registered in any party can only choose from those party ballots. Voters not registered with a party could select any party ballot, but can only vote that specific ballot.
— From the issue of July 18, 2002
30 years ago
The U.S. Postal Service banned paintings from display at Alaska post offices after a pastor’s wife complained that Kenny Porter’s paintings of pyramids at the Homer Post Office were “Satanic.” Porter denied his paintings had any Satanic imagery. Postal officials said they’re weren’t banning art work per se, but the display of private art because it constitutes a person advertising something.
— From the issue of July 23, 1992
50 years ago
The city of Homer received an $80,000 state grant to develop the city campgrounds and fair grounds at what’s now Karen Hornaday Park. Improvements included installing flush toilets, 15 more campsites, and baseball diamonds and athletic fields.
— From the issue of July 20, 1972