How do you take an opera written for the 16th century and turn it into a Las Vegas setting in the 1960s? How is Rigeletto going to be depicted as a jester?
You will have to attend the Homer Theatre’s showing at 6 p.m. March 21 of the Metropolitan Opera’s “Rigeletto” to find out. How will the Met pull this off?
We are encouraging people who are sitting on the fence to come check out the wonderful venue we offer in Homer. Get off the fence and come see a modern setting for this show.
Don’t have time to eat before the Opera starts? You don’t have to — you can get your meal at the theater. They offer a number of good deals on food and drinks.
In addition to seeing a Metropolitan Opera, state of the art sound system and subtitles, you can have a meal. How can you beat that?
As always, we will have finger foods at intermission and of course, Homer Opera Elixer. There are still complimentary tickets for students who would like to attend.
Vonda Nixon is an opera lover and recent resident of Homer.