Kachemak Crane Watch to hold count days

Sandhill crane count days will be held on three Saturdays

Kachemak Crane Watch is looking for assistance from citizen scientists for upcoming Sandhill Crane Count Days over the next three Saturdays.

Count days will take place between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. on Aug. 24, Aug. 31 and Sept. 7.

Reports of specific crane sightings to KCW should include the date, time and location, as well as the numbers of cranes counted, including number of adults, number of colts and number of banded cranes. KCW is also looking for details of what the cranes were doing when sighted.

Sighting reports can be submitted to KCW by emailing reports@cranewatch.org or calling 907-235-6262. Reporters should include their name and phone number or email in case KCW needs to reach out for further details.

Citizen scientists are also invited to stop by the Beluga Slough, starting at 6 p.m. until sunset, on each count day to count cranes as they come in to roost.

KCW co-founder Nina Faust called the Beluga Slough counts “exceptional fun watching the family groups land with their newly fledged colts.”

According to Faust, most of this year’s sandhill crane colts have fledged, with some late nests reaching full flight.

“As migrational unrest begins, more groups of non-breeders, failed breeders, and family groups are out on training flights to strengthen wings that did not get that much exercise all summer,” Faust wrote to Homer News on Wednesday, Aug. 14. “Already a big group of 75 roosting cranes were reported taking off from Beluga Slough on Aug. 11.”

KCW is also looking for any final citizen science reports of nesting pairs, in order to compile this year’s nesting success.

Sandhill Crane Count Days are a project of the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies conducted annually.

For more information, contact Faust at 907-235-6262.