Homer’s Best Bets

Years ago when the Betster’s nephew got married and the family discussion turned to how bad that winter had been, the father to the bride said he didn’t mind it so much. He plowed parking lots for some extra cash.

“That’s another table for the reception,” he said about each new storm and lot plowed.

A lot of snow plow drivers are making bank this season, and boy howdy have they earned it. Cheer on those who keep our driveways and streets cleared. Thanks to them we can enjoy this season, maybe with these best bets:

BEST CHRISTMAS LIGHTS BET: Bear Creek Winery Garden of Lights returns this weekend with Christmas lights, hot chocolate, a bonfire and holiday music. Garden of Lights will be open from 5-7 p.m. Dec. 10-11 and Dec. 17-18. Admission is free. Bear Creek Winery is located three miles out East End Road.

BEST GET OUT THE VOTE BET: Are you someone who doesn’t usually vote? Do you find the election process discouraging? Share your thoughts in a Zoom meeting today from 6-7 p.m. where borough and city officials and representatives from Kenai Peninsula Votes and the League of WomenVoters Kenai Peninsula hold a community conversation, “Can we increase voter turnout in borough and city elections?” Attendees will be eligible to win one of three $25 grocery store gift cards. To participate, register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAud-2tpzoqGdDS_2Irxu4RcdVlJRhZeZVy

BEST BENEFIT BET: Join the Pratt for “Glacier Salon,” an intimate performance event on Friday, Dec. 10, featuring violinist Odin Rathnam amidst our current special exhibit, Ron Senungetuk: A Retrospective. Since his critically acclaimed Lincoln Center debut in 1993, Rathnam has performed throughout the United States and Europe as a soloist and concertmaster. The benefit will include hors d’oeuvres, wine, music, and art. Email Holly Atkins at hatkins@prattmuseum.org to reserve your seat. A monetary donation is suggested to attend.

BEST WRITING BET: This Friday, Dec. 10, is the deadline to submit works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction to the 24th Kenai Peninsula Writers’ Contest! Peninsula residents of all ages are invited to submit their best poetry, fiction and nonfiction pieces for a chance to win prizes such as cash, Homer Bucks and local gift certificates. Each category and division will award first, second and third place prizes. The categories include poetry, fiction and nonfiction in age divisions for adults or open, grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12. Each submission has an entry fee of $10 for the adult/open category and $3 for grades K-12. Find out more about the contest at homerart.org/writers-contest.

BEST SPAGHETTI LUNCH BET: Do you love spaghetti and helping others in need? This year’s Share the Spirit Spaghetti Feed is scheduled for Dec. 14 and will help fund food supplies for local families in need this Christmas. This is a to-go only event. For $15 per person or $50 for a family of four, participants will be able to drive through the Elk’s Lodge parking lot to pick up their spaghetti plate or have it delivered to them. For more information about the Spaghetti Feed, to donate, volunteer or reserve a delivery order, call 907-235-7466.
