George Trudeau obituary.

George Trudeau

Oct. 29 1945 – Sept. 2 2022

George Trudeau passed away September 2, 2022 after a very short hospital stay.

George grew up in Chicago, playing in Lincoln Park, swimming in Lake Michigan and riding the Metro. His life led down many paths, hitchhiking to Pittsburg at 14, driving a convertible to Texas, delivering produce in LA, teaching himself mechanics by reading books and running a garage in Idaho. George served our country in Vietnam. At some point he made his way to Alaska where he worked on ships and barges as an engineer.

In Alaska, he met Susie Green and moved to the North Fork where they raised goats, pigs and chickens.

It was here on the North Fork that I got to know George.

This is some of what I know about George.

He could talk to animals, with respect.

He fought the pushki in his yard with determination.

He read voraciously, all genres of books and magazines. His favorite book was The River Why. He bought multiple copies and gave them to friends.

He read, wrote, and memorized poetry. At the end of the night George could be heard reciting a Shakespeare poem to himself or any nearby ear.

He loved music, especially drumming.

He loved to write. He wrote poems, essays on Word Press, sent notes on cards to friends and manifestos on advertisements and bills before sending them back tp where they came from.

He loved lighting the neighborhood. In the winter………his dual message ONE EARTH, PEACE ON EARTH written in Christmas lights greeted us on snowy nights.

He was generous. He supported the local food pantries and Doctors Without Borders. He knew about troubles and wanted to help people far and near.

He was thrilled that he landed in Alaska. He’d throw his arms open and shout: Thank you God for letting me live here in this beautiful place!

He danced with the trees.

George had a long lifetime of stories. I heard many and remember some. His life was full. A full life filled with choices. Some led him to adventure and some to troubles. But, George did his best at the end of his life to leave this world a better place.

He hopes that his partner Susie Green, his sisters Micki and Rose Marie will be there to greet him on the other side. He is survived by a sister Sarah, who asked us to put perennials on his grave, by his North Fork neighbors, and by friends scattered across the country.

These writings were found on his table the day we brought him home from the hospital.

January 2022

Today I am dancing with the wind

Oh, that wind carries scents of places far from me.

And oh how the trees are also dancing with the wind

Swaying to and fro

Making the branches bring sap up from below

And how their roots are grasping Mother Earth

“OH please do not tip us over to far, Dear Brother Wind,

But you sure feel good whipping our leaves into a frenzy,

Making the whole forest sway”

And I also out there dancing with the wind

I am headed for the long sleep place which makes me wonder:

Are dreams available there?

Or is it just forever silence?

No one has ever returned from there to talk to me.

So as I await my turn.

I hope someone there will return and take my hand and guide me into that forever place,

On a new journey, a new river rafting trip.

I hope to see again some of my dear old friends that time has swept away from me.

George was buried on his property on September 5, 2022. Stories were told, songs were sung and George, through a video, drummed his way on to his next adventure. Should you be so moved, contribute to a local food pantry or charity in George’s name. He’d be happy with that.
