Fisheries group seeks art

The Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society holds its 42nd annual meeting in Homer Nov. 2-6 and seeks art for the program cover. The theme of the meeting is “Alaska Fisheries at a Crossroads: Past Lessons for Future Sustainability.” The artwork should address the meeting theme or be fisheries-related, including shellfish. The work must be 11-inches-by-16 inches or smaller. Besides having art on the program cover, the winner will receive $100, their original artwork will be on display throughout the meeting and it will be auctioned to the highest bidder to support funding fisheries student travel to professional meetings. Submissions may be turned in at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game office in Homer to Carol Kerkvliet. For examples of past cover art, visit or call Nicky at 907-299-7476 or Carol at 907-299-2234.