First Friday Events

Alaska Intuitive Arts

158 W. Pioneer Ave.

Spirit-ah-graphy by Joluna Love

11 a.m.-8 p.m.,
First Friday Opening

Intuitive artist Joluna Love shows her digital photography with kaleidoscopic images and more. Alaska Intuitive Arts reopens for spring after being closed for two months.

Bunnell Street Arts Center

106 W. Bunnell Ave.

Underfoot by Carla Cope
5-7 p.m., First Friday
Opening Reception;
6 p.m., artists talk
Art Demonstration,
Saturday, noon-2 p.m.

Artist in Residence
Adam Ottavi Scheisl
11 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday

Homer-raised artist Carla Cope’s “Underfoot” came about from daily walks on beaches and trails around town. “I’m always watching, camera in hand, waiting for that perfect moment of elemental beauty,” she writes. “I love to look for little mysteries, like the secretive curve of fallen grass, and the delicate shadows inside a dandelion puff.” Cope also does a free art demonstration on Saturday.

Artist-in-residence Adam Ottavi Scheisl visits Bunnell 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday through May1. During his residency he will create a series of photographs using a 6-inch-by-20-inch view camera built especially for the residency. The residency culminates in an exhibit in May.

Community Christian Church

(Homer Council on the Arts – Pier One Theatre)

3838 Bartlett Street

Honk! a musical by the Youth
Teen Musical Theatre

7:30 p.m., Friday
7:30 p.m., Saturday
3 p.m., Sunday

A musical based on “The Ugly Duckling,” the children’s story by Hans Christian Andersen, “Honk!” has been adapted by Music Theatre International for the Homer Council on the Arts /Pier One Youth/Teen Musical Theatre program. Admission for the Friday and Saturday shows is $5 youth, $8 HCOA members and $10 general, and by donation for the Sunday show.

Fireweed Gallery

475 E. Pioneer Ave.

Bears, Birds and Byways, batik art by Janaan Kitchen

5-7 p.m., First Friday Reception

Anchorage artist Janaan Kitchen shows her fine art batiks. Creating batiks since 1973, Kitchen uses paper instead of the more usual fabric canvas. It took 10 years of experimentation to find a paper that can hold up to the waxing, dipping and dyeing process by which batiks are created. Each work is one-of-a-kind and cannot be duplicated, even if starting from the same image. Kitchen has traveled throughout Alaska to find the subjects for her art, including volunteering with the Iditarod race, and from the North Slope to Anaktuvuk Pass to Ketchikan to photograph and sketch the animals, people and scenery she uses as her subjects.

Homer Council on the Arts

344 W. Pioneer Ave.

Pratt Museum
3779 Bartlett Street

Jubilee Youth Visual Art Show, work by various artists
5-7 p.m First Friday

The Jubilee Youth Visual Art Show is on display at two locations, the Homer Council on the Arts and the Pratt Museum, and features work by students in grades kindergarten through 12th. 

Kachemak Bay Campus

533 E. Pioneer Ave., Pioneer Hall Commons

1-3 p.m., Saturday

Talk: Using Abstraction in Photography, by Joe Kashi

Photographer Joe Kashi will examine making reality-based photographs that convey a sense of the abstract through choice of subject matter and lighting, and “abstracting” them from their surrounding reality-based context through cropping, camera position, choice of subject and selective focus.


Paul Banks Elementary School 

1340 East End Road 

Third Annual Art Extravaganza,

5-7 p.m., First Friday Reception 

Paul Banks Elementary School once again features its spring Art Extravaganza with art in various media from all students. Other works include art that came out an an Artist in the School residency with Gail Baker. Baker taught students how to make space masks that tie in with the school’s read-a-thon theme. The evening also includes a hands-on art table where students will be able to make a fancy art project with their family and bring it home. Appetizers will be served by staff members.

Picture Alaska 

448 E. Pioneer Ave. 

Bird Watching, paintings by Jeanne Young

5-7:30 p.m., First Friday Reception 

Jeanne Young’s paintings focus on Alaska’s feathered friends. Working from photographs, Young said she got creative with backgrounds and setting to complement the character of the birds and make them center stage. 

Ptarmigan Arts Back Room Gallery

471 E. Pioneer Ave.

Sacred Women: Images of Transformation, art by Kathie Baldwin

5-7 p.m., First Friday Reception

Homer artist Kathie Baldwin’s work attempts to capture the feeling of change that people go through in the process of spiritual and physical transformations. 

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