Five years since the premiere of “Puffin Bay,” Homer filmmaker Brian Smith is taking on a new feature film, “The Care and Feeding of Jack,” a fictional telling of the life of a small town animal shelter and the changes it experiences.
“I’m excited about doing an animal shelter character story,” said Smith, who has volunteered at the Homer Animal Shelter for the past six years.
Who Jack is, is a secret Smith is keeping to himself for now.
“That’s a surprise,” he said.
The film’s cast of seven is a mixture of roles for men and women ranging in age from 18-60. Two major roles will be played by local actors Dick Sanders and Peter Norton. Smith will begin casting the remaining roles Jan. 1, with scripts available at that time.
“The script is just writing itself because I’ve done research for six years,” said Smith.
The film will be shot entirely in Homer on weekends in May, June and July.
Music for the film will be written by Lindianne Sarno who, along with Smith, provided music for “Arctic Son: Fulfilling the Dream,” a documentary by Jean Aspen and Tom Irons and edited by Smith in 2010. Having been responsible for props, set design and continuity in “Puffin Bay,” Martie Krohn also has signed up for Smith’s new film. Smith is still scouting for locations.
“The Care and Feeding of Jack,” produced by Brian George Smith Media, will be released December 2015 with a premiere showing at Homer Theatre.