Court records show the following actions taken in Homer District Court through April 17:
Ryan K. Friesen, 28, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of reckless driving. He was fined $500 with $250 suspended and sentenced to 45 days in jail with 40 days suspended and ordered to perform 40 hours of community work service; ordered to pay $50 to support the Police Training Fund and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended; had his driver’s license revoked for 30 days; and was placed on probation for one year.
Criminal Court
Dusty J. Neil, 23, second-degree theft, four counts; second-degree forgery, three counts; falsifying business records; solicitation of theft and second-degree forgery, felony indictment.
Dylan Z. Hargett-Rautio, 20, fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, heroin, felony indictment.
Alexander C. Napier II, 32, third-degree misconduct involving weapons, felony indictment.
Nikolas W. Thornton, 22, second-degree sexual abuse of a minor, a felony.
Civil Court
Jacquelyn Taylor v. Dicran E, Kassouni, other contract.
In the matter of Deen Ann Dahmann-O’Brien and Stephen J. O’Brien, dissolution of marriage.
David Nelson DDS v. Peter Fineo and Penelope Anderson, slander-libel defamation.
Small Claims
Joyce L. Gibson v. Rick E. Gibson, debt.