Court records show the following actions taken in Homer District Court through March 8:
Criminal Court
Octavia Done-Pond, 18, Anchor Point, driving without a valid operator’s license.
William L. Harris-Tucker, 22, third-degree misconduct involving weapons, a felony; fifth-degree misconduct involving weapons, sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance.
Akaky F. Martushev, 31, Kachemak Selo, unlawful possession or transportation of game.
Casey A. James, 30, violating conditions of release.
Robert S. Moore, 28, disorderly conduct.
Michael J. Cooksey, 35, driving while license revoked.
Jeffrey G. Pasco, 66, driving under the influence.
Civil Court
Matthew Alward v. Jim Miller, claim against seller of goods or services.
Cornerstone Credit Services v. Henry D. Gates, debt.
In the matter of Jesse C. Blaine and Carrie I. Blaine, dissolution of marriage.
In the matter of Brad J. Phelps and Adrien L. Knowles-Phelps, dissolution of marriage.
Patricia A. Summers v. Philip D. Summers, divorce.
Rio N. Kitzmiller v. Jacob G. Kitzmiller, divorce.
Lacy L. Cissney v. Timothy D. Cissney, divorce.
Kenneth W. Castner III v. City of Homer, petition for declaratory judgment and relief.
Darlene Campbell v. John Cox et al., other civil complaint.