Best Bets

Quake. Shaker. Tremblor. Shock Wave. Rumbler.

Whatever you like to call that seismic shifting of our tectonic plates and comfort levels, you can’t deny Homer had a whopper the other morning. Granted, a whopper as far away as this 7.9 magnitude bucking bronco can have just about the same effect as a lil’ guy, which is essentially what happened.

The Betster never ceases to be amused at the number of people who seem to be shocked, stunned, downright flabbergasted if you will, that an earthquake of a larger magnitude than the last major quake they experienced could cause little to no damage. “But the last one was only a 7.2!” etc.

Allow the Betster to lay some basic tectonic knowledge on ya. It’s all about depth and distance, people. Sure a 7.9 or an 8.0 is a doozy of a shaker, but it won’t make one diddly of difference if that quake happens to be hundreds of miles away in the middle of the unoccupied ocean.

On the other side of the coin, a mere 6.0 magnitude tremblor (I know what you’re thinking. Child’s play, right?) could have devastating effects if its epicenter hit near a civilized area and at a shallow depth.

So before we go the way of the fisherman and start telling our Outside relatives how we caught — er, the Betster means, felt — the “Big One,” and make it bigger each time we tell it, let’s make sure we’re putting things in perspective.

Now that we’re all coming down from the excitement of the quake and ensuing tsunami warning, try taking a load off with these Best Bets:

BEST ‘BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON’ BET: Coming up at 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 26 is Friday Night Lights, a unique ski experience for all ages and abilities. The Hayfield Loop at Lookout Mountain Trails will be lit with candles made at a candle-making station. With the participating skiers, artist Deland Anderson will be making candles at the event. Skiers are encouraged to ski by headlamp. The moon is close to full. There will be a warming fire and hot chocolate. Stay after skiing to enjoy the fire and the company. This event costs $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers.

BEST BEYOND THE HORIZON BET: This is the 16th year that the Telluride Mountainfilm Festival has come to Homer. It combines adventure, mountaineering, unique personalities, and important environmental and social messages. There will be two shows, each with different films and content with separate tickets for each night, staring at 7 p.m. Friday, and continuing at the same time Saturday. Those interested can purchase tickets in advance at the Homer Bookstore 235-7496 or at the Recreation office. There will also be a HOWL Chili and Chowder Fundraiser before the Saturday, Jan. 27 show at 6 p.m. in the Homer High School commons.

BEST BYSTANDER BET: We could all stand to learn how to be better neighbors to one another. There’s a great opportunity to do just that with the upcoming Community Bystander Training being hosted by Green Dot Homer. This is a free training from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 27 at Many Rivers Cedar House to learn skills to intervene in difficult situations and make Homer a safer community where violence is not tolerated. There will be free snacks and wholesome conversation. Email to register.

BEST CHILL OUT BET: The Betster thinks it’s pretty safe to assume we could also use some calming exercises or meditation after the hullabaloo caused by that pesky quake. Lucky for us, there’s an “Introduction to Meditation and Healing Toolkit For these Times” from 3-4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 28 at Many Rivers Cedar House. This is a free class designed to introduce the Meditation and Healing Toolkit Series, led by instructor Trish Herrmann. This will give perspective students an overview of the material and a chance to ask questions. This series features meditation tools and skills to help us adapt, flourish, and relax into these fast changing times. Classes will include grounding, centering, energetic boundaries, aura and chakras, and running energy in meditation practices. Come meet the instructor and learn all about these empowering practices. There will be a 6-week series that will begin the following week.

Steam rises from Redoubt Volcano on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 21, as seed from Diamond Ridge. (Photo by Michael Armstrong, Homer News)

Steam rises from Redoubt Volcano on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 21, as seed from Diamond Ridge. (Photo by Michael Armstrong, Homer News)