Best Bets

Salmonfest last weekend, the Kenai Peninsula Fair this weekend — the fun just doesn’t quit! While you’re checking out the exhibits, vendors and everything else the fair has to offer this year, don’t forget to see what else is in store in the area. For details on other upcoming events, check out these Best Bets!

BEST INSPIRATION RIDGE PRESERVE TOUR BET: Are you curious about the Inspiration Ridge Preserve? Join co-founder Nina Faust, who pieced together the 700-acre preserve with her late husband Ed Bailey, for a second special tour on Thursday, Aug. 8 from 10 a.m. to noon. Learn the story of the preserve and see some of the hidden spots as Nina takes you along her favorite trails! Advance registration is required; tickets are between $5 and $35. For more information or to register, contact the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies at 907-235-6746 or

BEST RACE ACROSS THE BAY BET: The Kachemak Bay Mountain Classic will take place on Saturday, Aug. 10, starting at 8:30 a.m. Start at the South Grace Ridge Trailhead in Tutka Bay, run to the Grace Ridge Summit, then continue down the mountain to the finish line at Kayak Beach. This “rugged trail adventure race series, from ocean to peak to ocean” is a fundraiser for the Friends of Kachemak Bay State Parks. Participants may compete in either a runners or hikers category. The start and finish lines are both only accessible by boat. For more information and to register, visit

BEST SUPPORT THE PRATT MUSEUM BET: The Pratt Museum is asking for your help and support! On Tuesday, Aug. 13, executive director Patty Relay will give a 15-minute presentation on the museum’s roof system replacement project to the Economic Development Advisory Commission during their regular meeting, which starts at 6 p.m. On Monday, Aug. 26, Relay will give a 10-minute presentation on the roof project to the City of Homer Capital Improvement Project Work Session, which starts at 4 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Homer City Hall Cowles Council Chambers and are open to the public, in person and via Zoom. Whether or not you can attend, the museum also asks community members to consider drafting letters of support for Capital Improvement Project Nomination with the City of Homer. Letters can be sent to the mayor’s office and city council members to help the Pratt Museum address critical infrastructure needs. For more information on the Roof System Replacement Project and how to help, visit Homer City Hall, 491 E Pioneer Ave.

BEST WILDLIFE TRIVIA BET: The Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is hosting a trivia night on Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the AMNWR auditorium. Do you think you know your puffins from your pribilofs? Your buldir from your bogoslof? Your cormorants from your kittiwakes? If so, put together a team of no more than six people and join in for a night of fun! Doors open at 6 p.m. There will be prizes! 95 Sterling Highway.

BEST HOMER THEATRE BET: Join the Sutton family for a free celebration and “Thanks for the Memories” party on Friday, Aug. 16 at the Homer Theatre. Open House begins at 6 p.m., followed by a planned program and family friendly film screening at 7 p.m. 106 W Pioneer Ave.

BEST COMMUNITY IMPACT AWARDS BET: The Anchorage Daily News, Peak 2 Peak Events, and the Alaska Journal of Commerce are joining forces to celebrate the Community Impact Awards, recognizing neighborhood nonprofit organizations that have made a profound difference in the lives of Alaskans. Nominations may be submitted once daily until Aug. 19. Voting for the top 20 nonprofits will be available Aug. 23 through Sept. 16. If you have a local nonprofit you want to nominate, make sure to add them today! For more information, visit the Homer Chamber of Commerce Facebook page at