Michael Franti and Spearhead is Salmonfest headliner
Salmonfest on Monday announced its headline act for the annual festival to be held Aug. 3-5 in Ninilchik. Performing Saturday, Aug. 4 is Alaska favorite Michael Franti and Spearhead. Franti’s music and powerful voice of positivity blends hip hop with funk, reggae, jazz, folk and rock, and “represents the very essence of the eclectic, multi-dimensional, and positive festival,” Salmonfest said in a press release.
Poet, composer, social justice activist and lead singer of Spearhead, Franti has performed in top festivals including Bonaroo, Tortuga, Bottle Rock, Summerfest, Bumbershoot, Britt, Wanderlust, as well as major festivals in Canada, Australia, and Europe.
Other bands announced for Salmonfest include Intuitive Compass, Lowdown Brass Band, Gasoline Lollipops, Achilles Wheel and Cherry Poppin Daddies. Early-bard tickets are on sale now at $116 for a three-day pass for adults. For more information, visit http://salmonfestalaska.org.
Artist-in-residence to lead youth internship
Bunnell Street Arts Center offers an art internship opproutnity for Homer youth ages 12 to 18 to work with a distinguished and innovative multidisciplinary artist from New York City on a collaborative project in late February and March. Artist in residence Jaimie Warren leads an educational after-school internship that involves the construction of a theatrical tableau featuring costume/puppetry/set/sculpture from Feb. 21-March 21. Students are involved in the selection and creation of this large-scale work. All activities will take place at Bunnell, after school till approximately 6 p.m. three days per week plus weekends and spring break.
Youth seeking senior service hours can achieve that by working on this project. For more information please contact Asia Freeman, asia@bunnellarts.org, 235-2662.