Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

As we reflect on 2022 and the grants and programs that enrich our community, we would like to thank the Homer Foundation for a $500 grant recommended by the Youth Advisory Committee last year.

The grant helped Bunnell Street Arts Center host two paid student interns this past summer at our gallery. Olivia Overdorf helped host and conduct art sales on Sundays throughout the summer. This young artist shared creativity and conversation with us, and connected with Yup’ik artists like Amber Webb and Bunnell’s board member Mary Chouinard.

Another student, Bea Strobel worked in Bunnell’s office and has continued to volunteer at Bunnell beyond the summer internship. Bea took on a neglected archiving project and brilliantly organized over 30 years worth of exhibit postcards, show announcements, concert posters and newsletters into picture albums and year-by-year folders.

We delighted in learning from both of these young people as much as we enjoyed sharing about Bunnell’s gallery, mission, programs and organization. Our community is stronger because of these kinds of relationships and we are grateful to the Homer Foundation and the Youth Advisory Committee for creating these kinds of opportunities.

Adele Person, executive director Bunnell Street Arts Center

To the Editor,

Kachemak Heritage Land Trust would like to thank the Youth Advisory Committee for the grant support we received in January 2023 as administered through the Homer Foundation. These funds will be used to tend to KHLT’s trails in Homer which will include the purchase of a trail counter, safety training of staff, increased accessibility on the Effler boardwalk, and more.

We want to thank the YAC and the Homer Foundation for this important funding opportunity that supports our local non-profits, and for the grant selection committee for their hard work screening and awarding grants. We are honored to be part of our supportive and vibrant community. We appreciate your continued support of our conservation efforts to protect irreplaceable lands for future generations.

Marie McCarty, executive director

Enough of ‘pro-life’! The term is ‘pro-birth’ only

I’m sick of hearing about the “pro-life” movement! This movement is only “pro-birth.” Sister Chittister, a Benedictine nun said it best: “I do not believe that just because you’re opposed to abortion, that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don’t? Because you don’t want any tax money to go there.

“That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.”

Life extends much beyond birth. Whose life is being considered here? The mother and child who die because of an ectopic pregnancy? The children and family who lose their mother because she dies in dangerous pregnancy? The horribly handicapped child and family who try to cope with little or no assistance?

What right does the government have to decide if people live or die in their private lives! Obviously the government will not provide them with the assistance they need and it is none of its business! Neither is it anyone else’s business. It is a decision that should be made between the woman and her doctor.

I am 81 years old and the mother of five daughters. I have lived in Alaska since 1967. Growing up I well remember the days when women who were desperate had to seek an abortion from back room butchers and often were seriously maimed or died! Going back to that is not an option!

Catherine Bishop Herrnsteen McCarthy

Dear Editor,

We want to share about the exceptional care our dog received from Dr. Zack Gardenfors and staff at Kachemak Bay Animal Hospital. Our little Pomeranian was attacked by four large dogs recently. Dr. Gardenfors saw her in less than an hour after the attack and operated on her for three hours that evening. He was able to stitch together muscles that were torn from her spine in addition to making other skillful repairs. I can’t imagine a more compassionate and competent veterinarian and team. Dr. Gardenfors and his staff were sensitive and timely in keeping us fully informed of her status and allowed us prolonged visits with our traumatized pup over the three days she was in their care. Their attention to details, sharing of information, home care instructions, and follow-up has been outstanding.

Once again we are reminded of how fortunate we are that our small community continues to attract outstanding professionals. We are especially grateful that Dr. Gardenfors and his wife have chosen to make Homer their home.

Kathryn Carssow and James Lunny


Dear Editor,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Fonkert Electric for their generous donation to support the surrounding Homer area schools. We truly appreciate your commitment to the local area. Because of your purchase of a replacement bulb, the community can continue to enjoy the StarLab. Starlab is a portable inflatable planetarium that a trained educator can check out. During these tough financial times, we were unsure if this expensive replacement bulb would be possible. Thanks to these generous community members who understand the importance of hands-on learning, which will help inspire young learners to further their interest in astronomy topics. We are thankful for your support. Here’s to years of continued learning!

Thank you,

Jacob Parrett and the Homer Connections Team