Early results show few surprises, little support for South Peninsula Hospital bond
City council, borough assembly, school board seats are on the ballot
Anchor Point artist Norman Lowell dies at 96
The annual Public Library Assistance Grant funding was cut for 82 libraries statewide for FY2025
Central to the conversation was the increased cost of reconstruction of Soldotna Elementary School
Proposition 1 will be voted on in the Oct. 1 election
Robert Cicciarella, long-time chief for KESA, retired on Friday, Sept. 13
The amount includes a one-time energy relief payment
The former Kenai Police officer shot 67-year-old Kirk Medak
Troopers were notified around 11:30 a.m.
The community is invited to an anniversary event, Sept. 12-13
The new owners will hold a grand reopening for the theater in December
Another resolution was considered in June that would have added a bed tax question to the October ballot