Money left on the table.
The Southeast Alaska Seiner’s Association was successful in their bid to buy back 36 permits after a February vote to…
“Frankenfish” may soon be coming to a store near you.
After months of anticipation, the brand new SVT Health and Wellness Anchor Point Clinic is finally open for business on…
But don’t expect an influx in smoking cafes.
As Alaska is experiencing unusual salmon behaviors and failed runs, a group of international scientists are halfway through a long…
The Alaska Board of Fisheries kicks off its meeting dealing with state-wide finfish proposals on March 9 in Anchorage, covering…
Perhaps the strangest commercial fishery in Alaska, combining the state’s love of fishing and snowmachines, is set to open next…
JUNEAU — Gov. Mike Dunleavy wants to repeal the boards tasked with regulating alcohol and marijuana in Alaska, according to…
New budget calls for 75 percent reduction
A previous report advised against privatizing the institute.
A trade decision by the Trump administration has inadvertently protected a price advantage enjoyed by Russian-caught fish sold in the…
Sound Publishing Inc. has appointed Jeff Hayden publisher of the Homer News and the Kenai Peninsula Clarion. Hayden started his…