Bristol Bay fishermen are facing new restrictions to the sockeye fishery on the Nushagak and Wood Rivers after the Alaska…
The halibut and black cod fisheries got underway last weekend, and deliveries have been sparse so far. Prices were comparable…
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game took the unprecedented move to shut down most king salmon fishing in most…
Most of the orders concern closures of various fisheries
Alaska Fish and Wildlife Troopers have sent a letter to Bristol Bay commercial salmon fishermen warning that they will be…
Homer Choir Director inspires young and old alike to find and share their voice through song
The marine weather forecasts are getting an update to more accurately reflect near-coastal waters conditions.
The Kenai/Soldotna Fish and Game Advisory Council met Thursday to discuss their position on the final set of proposals to…
Meet Your Neighbor is a new feature that introduces, or perhaps re-introduces, you to fellow Homer community members.
A storm is brewing ahead of the Alaska Board of Fisheries meeting next week.
Homer marine trades will be very well represented by local companies at the upcoming 2023 Anchorage Boat show Feb. 17-19…
In a hearing before the House Resources Committee last week Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang touted…
Demand for Cook Inlet gas could outpace supply as soon as 2027