The 2020 salmon harvest for Alaska is expected to be down compared to last season, mostly due to a lower…
The Homer area’s newest and second retail cannabis store opened Monday — April 20, or course, or 4/20, known among…
It’s not all flower.
Decision could come before April 20.
No tourist ships, no tourist dollars.
It is a very unusual year for herring, to say the least. In addition to, and in some part because…
Alaska’s congressional delegation held a conference call with 65 of Alaska’s fishery leaders last week and laid out some details…
Facing an uncertain future as the COVID-19 pandemic wears on, Alaska’s commercial fishing industry is looking ahead to the upcoming…
An international scientific expedition is trawling far offshore for Pacific salmon even though some researchers chose to leave the ship…
“One thing that’s certain is that people want their cannabis.”
‘Completely decimated travel in Alaska’
Residents facing financial hardships due to the pandemic will not see their electricity shut off.
Business owners encouraged to take peninsula-wide survey