Group says Army Corps study does not pass as credible science.
By fishermen, for fishermen.
Alaska would be the only state in the country to not provide state assistance for medical education.
He compares his plan to three other options.
‘We’re finding ourselves a little short on time and resources to try and move forward.’
Oil forecast goes from $63 to $69 per barrel.
Read our full conversation with U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan.
After hearing hundreds of testimonies, lawmakers say keeping basic service a top priority.
Many did not get a chance to speak.
But don’t expect an influx in smoking cafes.
Gov. says businesses will come back to Alaska if budget is balanced.
Clarkson says it’s not his job to support the law, it’s to enforce it.
Murkowski talks economy, ANWR, shutdowns and Trump.
New budget calls for 75 percent reduction
“There’s this undercurrent of trying to push back the marijuana industry.”
He worked with Alaska Native artists to resolve an issue with Etsy last year.