The unanimous vote in support of the ordinance caps more than a year of work by an assembly material site subcommittee
The state group is tasked with reviewing and updating Alaska’s McKinney-Vento policies and procedures
Heather Lende’s “If You Lived Here, I’d Know Your Name” is as much about Lende as it is about Haines
Vehicle corrosion and associated costs, threats to public safety and environmental impacts were the top concerns
Results for multiple borough seats came down to just a handful of votes.
On day of remebrance, two elders share stories of childhood in a boarding school
Kelley Cizek, Dianne MacRae, Jason Tauriainen and Penny Vadla took oaths of office during the meeting
The event was hosted by the Kenai Peninsula Borough and the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
The state, during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowed marijuana establishments to operate drive-thru or walk-up windows
The presentation was the second as part of KPBSD’s “Budget 101”
The two women, shocked that they’ve been left behind by their family and friends, resolve that they will not resign themselves to death
Debbie Cary, of Ninilchik, is the Alaska Superintendent Association’s 2024 recipient of the Don MacKinnon Excellence in Education Award
School district, borough consider tweaks to school maintenance bond