The clinic was targeted specifically to KPBSD staff
The book features photos and recollections of more than 40 years hunting Alaska game birds with dogs.
Alaska continues to lead the nation in vaccine rollout
The clinics are specifically for district staff
Reporters spend a lot of time talking to people: people they don’t know, people they do know, people who really…
Both pieces of legislation were approved unanimously
The school district requested about $53 million from the borough, while the borough proposed about $43 million as a minimum amount.
The amount of money requested for the project — $5.39 million — reflects the 35% local match the borough would need to provide
The 19 projects would impact 38 of the district’s 42 schools.
Eastern peninsula schools began operating at medium-risk level on Monday
The board unanimously supported Holland, who will take over from O’Brien later this year
The year saw fewer and smaller fish, as well as lower-priced fish
Eastern and southern peninsula schools may return to in-person learning five days a week for all grades on Jan. 25