Alaska Business Week registration now open; students invited to apply

Registration for Alaska Business Week, which will run July 27-Aug. 2, is open. The application deadline is May 30.
Alaska Business Week, or ABW,  is a one-week summer program teaching the basic principles of private sector business to Alaska high school students. Participants live on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, where they grow as leaders, mentored by Alaska’s business elite.
ABW is now in its fourth year. It is modeled after the successful and long-running Washington Business Week program. Through its partnership with the UAF School of Management, ABW is able to offer two college credits to all participants who successfully complete the program requirements.
Cost for the program is $475, which includes room, board, tuition materials and fees.
ABW is open to high school students finishing ninth through 12th grades.
For more information, go to the Alaska Chamber of Commerce website at or contact Nicole Schuh, ABW program director, at or by phone at 907-278-2744.