20 years ago
Members of the Homer Library Advisory Board told Homer City Council members Monday that new fees for library cards and Internet use may not only put federal library funds in jeopardy, they may also violate the state Constitution. They also said that a number of possibilities for funding a new library project looked promising. This could save the city money when it comes time to borrow for the project, although some city council members encouraged the board to take a hard look at its projected estimates for the cost of building a 16,000-square-foot library.
— From the issue of Jan. 13, 2005
30 years ago
Controversy arising last summer from a day-care business in a Homer neighborhood has led to proposed changes in city law governing those who take care of children in residential areas but don’t live there themselves. The Homer Advisory Planning Commission on Wednesday will consider a proposed ordinance that would bring the city code in line with state law, and also hear public testimony about whether home day-care operations that are not conducted in the house or apartment where the operator lives should be allowed in residential neighborhoods without the need for a conditional-use permit.
— From the issue of Jan. 12, 1995