Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

Frederica de Laguna, the anthropologist who did most of the pioneer archaeology in Kachemak Bay, died Oct. 6 at her home in Bryn Mawr, Pa., three days after her 98th birthday. She had just completed revising “Under Mount St. Elias,” her book on the Eyak people of Prince William Sound, said Janet Klein, author of “The Archaeology of Kachemak Bay.” “Her life was her work; her work was her life. Most of her life was wrapped up in her career,” Klein said. “I’ve never seen anybody who worked as hard as she did — literally to the end of her life.” Others agreed.

— From the issue of Oct. 14, 2004

30 years ago

Voters have given Homer its new elementary school — by give four-tenths of a percentage point. By the slim margin of just 28 votes, determined after the counting of absentee and question ballots, Kenai Peninsula Borough voters approved an $11.7 million bond measure in the municipal elections Tuesday of last week, paving the way for the construction of West Homer Elementary School. Some 3,152 borough residents said yes to the new school, while 3, 124 said no. Looked at another way, that’s 50.2 percent for and 49.8 percent against — a .4 percentage point difference.

— From the issue of Oct. 13, 1994