Last call to voice your vote!

By voting, even if they are uncontested seats, you are honoring the civic duty of voting and acknowledging the hard work these people all do.

Community elections do not always have hotly debated ballot measures or candidates vying for seats. Often the service area boards, (hospitals and fire service) have just one person running. The borough assembly, school board and city council seats usually are contested races. By voting, even if they are uncontested seats, you are honoring the civic duty of voting and acknowledging the hard work these people all do.

Here is the link to the voter pamphlet: You can pick these up at city halls throughout the borough and the borough building in Soldotna. You can call them at 907-714-8683 or toll free at 833-796-8683 and ask to be mailed the pamphlet.

In the meantime, if you have not voted by mail or early in person, (You can do absentee in person through Oct. 2) we will see you at the polls Oct. 3.

Contact us at with your voting question(s)

Remember your vote counts and your voice matters!

Kenai Peninsula Votes is a nonpartisan voting group that works to increase voter turnout and voter education.
