Letters to the Editor

Thank you to the May M. Benson and Opportunity Fund at the Homer Foundation

Friends of Kachemak Bay State Parks would like to thank, recognize and honor the recent generous support from the May M. Benson and Opportunity Fund at the Homer Foundation. Their monetary grant supports FKBSP’s new program “Kids Across the Bay” that offers vouchers to children and families that normally can’t afford a water taxi, for a trip to visit and hike across the bay and learn about the park’s natural history with volunteer guides. This grant helps pay for the transportation vouchers for qualified families.

Friends of Kachemak Bay State Parks is a nonprofit — 501(c)(3) organization since 1999 — that promotes the enhancement, preservation and protection of the natural recreational, scientific and historical resources of Kachemak Bay State Park. This grant from the May M. Benson and Opportunity Fund has made it possible to continue to pursue our mission of providing better access to the recreational resources of Kachemak Bay State Parks.

Kathy Sarns, president, and the board of directors

Happy birthday, KBBI

This Friday, Aug. 4 KBBI Public Radio celebrates 44 years on the air! The efforts of Bev Munro started in 1976, joined by Kevin Hogan in the early stages to appeal to the Alaska Legislators for $60,000 in seed money, were the beginning of this vital station’s existence. Another Pioneer who deserves credit for organizing the first building owned by KBBI is Larry Smith. The volunteer support through the beginning, and the 44 years on the air, continues to ensure the future of the “Sound meeting the Sea.” Happy Birthday, KBBI!

Rita Turner