If Alaska is to move forward it is time to move on from those that have perpetuated and compounded the problems born of the Legislature not producing a long-term fiscal plan that would provide for a stable government and confidence in the people it is there to serve. My commitment is to work with all elected legislators to resolve this.
The current Senator speaks often of the need for his experience in Juneau, while ignoring the facts that clearly show his experience has not lead to fixing our fiscal challenges. This is not the “experience” Alaskans need or deserve.
Furthermore, an examination of his donors will reflect we are not his constituents. Who and what is he really representing? As this paper is released he is in Juneau for another fundraiser…
He is also in full support of the “binding caucus” which consolidates power, diminishes the elected capacities of other legislators, and is counter to how a representative form of government should function. It is bad for Alaskans.
After 22 years in the legislature it is clear our current Senator is not up to the task.
It is time we say no to the status quo! Will change be easy? No. But I signed up for the hard work! I’m ready to go to work for you and I am committed to making decisions that promote a promising future, provide opportunities to our coming generations, and secure the stable, sustainable government that all Alaskans deserve.
I’d be honored to have you rank me #1 with your vote on November 8th!