
The “Crypto Cash Calendar” Review (Charlie Shrem) What to Know First!

Did you get a chance to watch Charlie Shrem’s recent video on the “Crypto Cash Calendar”? If you did, you might have already jotted down Wednesday, April 27, 2022, and Friday, May 20, 2022, in your respective calendars, right? Let’s just say our editorial team did the same because, as per the experts from InvestorPlace, these are going to be big days in the red-hot crypto markets. They claim that $250 suffices to get started with is most intriguing, as it makes investing accessible to many.

Mr. Shrem states that he recommended buying into the Voyager Token, which shot up 600% in just six weeks. Similarly, he recommended Cardano to his followers, a token that has already soared by 5,280%. So, why is there so much attention on the cryptocurrency market? Although there is still skepticism regarding cryptocurrency, it has been gaining mainstream acceptance over the last few years, especially as more people have made money from investing in various tokens. From big investment firms to hedge funds and Wall Street elites, even major conventional financial institutions are interested in the benefits of growing and building wealth this way.

Take a look at countries like El Salvador, the first to adopt bitcoin as a legal tender, or countries like Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Argentina, which are following suit. Cryptocurrencies are unlikely to be left behind at this point. Now, the question posed is “how can I, a small-time investor, make money from cryptocurrency?” Although Shrem is still a Bitcoin devotee, he sees a much bigger opportunity to make serious gains through newly listed altcoins.

Because new currencies often start off being very cheap more and more people tend to buy them, causing the price to rise (sometimes for no apparent reason). Big institutions are unlikely to invest because they are too small and not proven. At the end of the day, the general public has a leg up, but lack of awareness is the problem. This is where Charlie Shrem’s Crypto Investor Network comes into play. Before getting into the specifics of this service, we must walk everyone through Charlie’s three critical rules for brand-new cryptos.

What are Charlie’s three critical rules for brand-new cryptos?

The three critical rules for brand-new cryptos, as outlined by Charlie, are:

#1. It must have inherent value

When reviewing new crypto listings, the first thing that Charlie investigates is whether they carry inherent value. What does this mean? Simply put, do these investment prospects add value to the economy and society? Do they aim to solve a real-world issue? Do they move technology forward in a meaningful way? If the answer is yes to all, we have what we are looking for.

#2. They must tackle a big, addressable market

The second critical rule ties in with the first, especially in terms of being able to solve a real issue that has a big, addressable market. He reiterates the latter by introducing the following analog between cryptocurrencies and early-stage ownership:

“Owning cryptos is just like early-stage ownership stakes in fast-growing blockchain projects. And like any other early-stage venture – the wider net it can cast [and] the more lives in can impact and improve […] the more money that will be made.”

In other words, one must be extra careful with niche projects because they might only be relevant to a small group of people, unlikely to drive prices through the roof.

#3. Visionaries and Innovators

As with any investment at hand, the team in place must be superior to others. An example he shares is Helium, a company that uses blockchain technology to decentralize the world’s wireless internet infrastructure. The idea behind the company’s endeavor is to get individuals to buy the Helium wireless router and securely share their internet with neighbors.

What’s more interesting is that they pay said individuals crypto to participate in the network, which has permitted many to earn upwards of $5,000. Of course, such an idea couldn’t have been introduced without the company’s visionaries, Shawn Fanning and Amir Haleem.

Continuing with the Helium, this asset hits all three critical rules because:

  • The underlying technology has inherent value
  • The team is working on dominating a big, addressable market
  • The management team is as good as it gets

When Charlie finds such assets, he marks them down in the “Crypto Cash Calendar,” which is used to track all his most significant and most lucrative crypto opportunities. With this in mind, we can now look closer into the Crypto Network Investor.


What is the Crypto Investor Network?

The Crypto Investor Network is a research service that connects investors to cryptocurrencies and tokenization. Through this service, Charlie Shrem and his team will be recommending top picks weekly with all the research and analysis thoroughly laid out. This service welcomes both novice and expert crypto investors who want a different insight into the space, all while making gains. It is important for us to mention the aggressive nature of this investor profile as it naturally ties in with the crypto market.

What does membership in the Crypto Investor Network entail?

By becoming a member today, individuals will gain immediate access to the following:

Special Report #1. Crypto’s Next Blockbuster Coins

Charlie displays details on two cryptocurrencies poised to increase gains inside the first special report. The first altcoin uses blockchain-based technology to make sports fans part-owners of their favorite sports franchises. Presently, most of us pay to watch sports, but those who watch sports will get paid to do so with this project! As for the second altcoin, it falls into the realm of “the internet of blockchains.” According to Charlie’s research, it is a leading decentralized cross-chain marketplace whose platform supports over 262 apps and services, controls over $169 billion in assets, and has industry-low transaction fees.

The Crypto Cash Calendar

Through the 2022-2023 Crypto Cash Calendar, members will discover:

  • All recently announced and future crypto dates are presented in an easy-to-follow manner
  • Cryptos that meet Charlie’s critical rules with a clear “BUY” marked next to them
  • A detailed writeup of the BUY – name, coin symbol, initial investment, and prediction
  • Ongoing alerts whenever a new opportunity presents itself and falls within the BUY range

Benefits of the Crypto Investor Network include: 52 weekly issues coupled with the latest updates, incredible ways to make money, recommendations, expert insight, and the occasion to learn about megatrends

  • Urgent position updates on cryptocurrency markets as they happen
  • Access to the Crypto Investor Network support team available by phone or email
  • Bonus Report #1. The First Wave of Tokenization Wealth: Cryptos Set to Soar
  • Bonus Report #2. 27 Cryptos to SELL before they DIE
  • Bonus Report #3. Altcoin Investing for Beginners
  • The Crypto Cash Calendar Trading Primer
  • 365-day money-back guarantee

How much does it cost to become a member of the Crypto Investor Network?

The Crypto Investor Network subscription price has been discounted by 50%, allowing investors to get started at only $99 for an entire year. As previously noted, this service is also protected by a 365-day money-back guarantee. If the Crypto Investor Network doesn’t meet the mark, customer service can be contacted via email at feedback@investorplace.com or by calling 1 (800) 784 0871.

Who is Charlie Shrem?

Charlie Shrem is an American entrepreneur and early advocate of Bitcoin and the cryptosphere. When Bitcoin was trading at about $5 per token, Charlie was only a 21-year-old doing his research. People called him crazy, but he stuck by it. Shortly after buying his first few bitcoins, the price started climbing and he’s never looked back. Just like that, Charlie spent nearly a decade exploring other opportunities for wealth and fully accepting the different layers of the technology at hand and the endless possibilities of cryptocurrencies.

His knowledge led him to venture out in the following ways:

  • Co-founding one of the earliest crypto exchanges, BitInstant
  • Serving as a founding member of The Bitcoin Foundation
  • Establishing inside connections with the world’s biggest altcoin developers
  • Coverage via New York Times bestseller Bitcoin Billionaires and Anderson Cooper’s interview on 60 Minutes
  • Serving the role of a senior analyst at InvestorPlace
  • Filling the part of business development at Payza
  • Hosting UntoldStoried.com

For a comprehensive biography of Charlie, and his journey within this space, visit his bio on the InvestorPlace website.

Final Verdict

Ultimately, Charlie Shrem has decided to direct his attention towards newly listed cryptocurrencies with inherent value, tackle a big, addressable market, and have masterminds and strong innovators building such projects. He sees this as the best strategy because such assets are cheap and are often overlooked by big investors. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that they all will be winners, and this is definitely something that everyone should be mindful of walking into the service. As a prominent face in the crypto space, Charlie Shrem’s experience and exposure will likely give investors an upper hand. Since he was 21 years old, he’s been involved, launched, and managed exciting projects during his career and had conversations with many big names in the crypto sphere. Visit InvestorPlace by clicking here to learn more about the Crypto Cash Calendar and the Crypto Investor Network.


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