Letters to the Editor

Learn about marine mammals

Dear editor,

The public of Homer has spoken — and we’ve answered. The Alaska Wildlife Alliance, in partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Kenai Peninsula College, and with support from the Opportunity & Martha H. Briscoe Funds at the Homer Foundation, is hosting a Kachemak Bay Marine Mammal Forum in Homer from April 18-21.

Every year, new and exciting discoveries are being made about marine mammals in Kachemak Bay. We are excited to share this information with the public, including information on the behaviors of marine mammals, their cultural and ecological importance to the region, trends in their sightings over time, and how boaters and recreators can share Kachemak Bay with our favorite finned neighbors (including how to become Whale SENSE certified).

What will this free event entail? We will kick off the week on Monday the 18th at the Islands & Ocean Visitor Center from 2-6 p.m. with hands-on and family-friendly activities exploring the marine mammals in our backyard. From Tuesday the 19th – Thursday the 21st at Land’s End Resort, join us from 4:30-6:30 p.m. to watch symposium presentations from local experts on the marine mammals in Kachemak Bay. If you are uncomfortable attending in person, visit our website to join remotely over Zoom. Finally, gather your friends and test your knowledge at our marine mammal trivia night at Alice’s Champagne Palace from 7-9 p.m. on Thursday the 21st!

More information on this event can be found at www.akwildlife.org/kbay or on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AlaskaWildlifeAlliance. We look forward to seeing you there!

We would like to thank the Opportunity & Martha H. Briscoe Funds at the Homer Foundation for helping to make this event possible.

Kelsey Hansen, Outreach Coordinator, Alaska Wildlife Alliance

There she goes again

Dear Editor,

Lisa Murkowski has once again participated in an attack on the American family by voting to approve a radical activist judge to the U.S. Supreme court. This judge has defended terrorists for free, is for open borders and worst of all went easy on those guilty of child pornography. She can’t even define what a woman is. Her record is so bad, that the White House had to hide 48,000 pages of the judge’s records from Senate review. Is this really a person that belongs on the Supreme Court?

So, why did Lisa vote to confirm KBJ? Pure politics. Polls show that Lisa is losing in her bid for reelection. Like in 2010, the only way that RINO Lisa Murkowski can win is to rely on Democrats and every voter in Bush Alaska. The fact that a Democrat president nominated this judge, and the Alaska Federation of Natives backed her appointment on April 5, tells you why Lisa voted to approve KBJ on April 7. Supporting a judge that is soft on child pornographers just to help her re-election bid should be a career-ending vote for Murkowski. Parents will remember this when they vote against Lisa’s re-election later this year.


Greg Sarber

Patchwork quilt

After employment had taken me to Anchorage for a time, afterwords, I would return to Ninilchik. With fond memories of my time spent at the Ninilchik Community Library, I was thrilled to be able to return to the library to see Becky Hamilton who had overseen the Ninilchik Community Library for a number of years, and Librarian Laura Sandison.

Sadly, I would discover — when entering the library — that Becky was no longer employed with the library and, Laura, too, would soon no longer be working at the library.

It was a stunning discovery. I always thought to myself, “Becky Hamilton is the Ninilchik Community Library,” carefully looking over and preserving the library history and preserving Ninilchik. Becky often recognized important and memorial dates that defined Ninilchik.

Becky Hamilton’s time and commitment to Ninilchik — the Ninilchik Community Library, Kenai Peninsula Fair as Ninilchik Director, and fund raising and years dedicated to Ninilchik Senior Center, to name a few commitments — was like archetypal patchwork squares, quilted together that secured the history and spirit of Ninilchik.

Becky Hamilton was an anchor for the Ninilchik Community Library, especially through storms. Becky was a delight to know, with a sharp, wry sense of humor, welcoming to library patrons and quick to help. “We felt at home” was often the patrons’ sentiment.

To Laura Sandison, Laura was the sunshine of the Ninilchik Community Library. She always there with a smile and warn welcome, an incredibly hard worker who never gave up on daunting projects. Laura was amazing!

Thank you two both, Becky Hamilton and Laura Sandison. Thank you for the fond memories, the good laughs and sense of family you brought to the Ninilchik Community Library.

Deborah Morel, Ninilchik

Big fat thank you

Over the weekend of April 8, 9 and 10, 50 plus fat tire bikers converged on Halibut Campground in Anchor Point, braving the wind, to enjoy a low pressure event called the “Big Fat Bike Festival,” a bi-annual fundraiser for the Homer Cycling Club (HCC). This year’s event sought to highlight the sport of bike-packing, where riders load their bikes with gear using innovative bags and straps to minimize weight and stabilize the load.

We had riders from Homer, Anchor Point, Kenai, Cooper Landing, Girdwood, Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla and Palmer, all with varying experience in the sport, and all happy to share their stories. Good times were had. Like any fund-raising event, this couldn’t have happened without community support.

Specifically, HCC would like to thank Alaska State Parks for permitting this event, B.S.T. Milling and Jessie Cashman for sharing firewood, Homer Saw and Cycle for splitting the firewood, Cycle Logical for providing the “Bike Wash” and shuttle service, Bill Bell and the Lady Mariners Softball for the use of their grill and the Anchor River Fly Shop for ATV support. Generally, HCC thanks all the capable volunteers who kept the wheels turning and all the participants who traveled the Peninsula to join the fun.

Derek Reynolds, Homer Cycling Club President

Thanks to 100 Women Who Care

The Kachemak City Park Committee would like to thank 100 Women Who Care for their generous donation. Thank you so much for believing in us and our project.

The community has amazed us with their support. This has allowed us to near completion of the bicycle pump track, tackle the drainage issue, repave the multi-use court and begin the path at the north end of the park.

This spring and summer we look forward to fencing the court, completing the playing field, adding more playground equipment, basketball hoops, picnic tables and landscaping.

A big shout out to 100 Women Who Care and all our generous donors for including us in your community support.

Bill Fry, chair, Kachemak City Park Committee