Letters to the Editor

Storyknife is grateful

Storyknife Writers Retreat is so grateful for the support of the Opportunity Fund of the Homer Foundation. Storyknife Writers Retreat is dedicated to supporting women writers by providing the time and space for them to devote to their craft, and this year successfully hosted residencies from June through October.

Next year starting in April, each month, six different women writers from Alaska, the Lower 48, and the rest of the world will be in residence at Storyknife and will have their own cabin where they can write and reflect, sleep and dream. At Storyknife, we deeply believe that the stories and writing of women are very powerful and important.

Author Dana Stabenow founded Storyknife to give women writers the same boost she received at the beginning of her career at Hedgebrook, a writers residency in Washington. Now that Dana’s dream has become a reality, we appreciate the support of people who understand how deeply dedicated time and space can impact a woman’s writing life. Storyknife is committed to elevating the voices of those who have previously had difficulty getting their stories to wider audiences. When women tell their stories, write their poems, author their screenplays, novels, short stories and memoirs, we are all empowered.

Thank you to the Homer Foundation for being part of the Storyknife community.


Erin Coughlin Hollowell, Executive Director of Storyknife Writers Retreat

COVID vaccinations for children?

Dear Editor,

Last week the FDA approved an emergency use authorization for a COVID vaccine for children ages 5-11. Before vaccinating our kids, we should ask if this vaccination is needed and is safe. While COVID is most dangerous for the elderly and those with comorbidities, the survival rate for children less than 18 is 99.997%. Of the 774,956 reported covid deaths in the United States as of last Friday, only 146 deaths were of unvaccinated children in the 5-11 age group, and the majority of those had a comorbidity such as tuberculosis. If we acknowledge that almost no kids in good health have died from COVID, then it does not appear that there is an urgent need for an emergency use authorization of a vaccine for children.

Next, we should ask what the risks are in vaccinating kids? Well, the FDA says the risks are unknown. Eric Rubin on the FDA approval committee said during the approval process, “…we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”

That is not exactly a ringing endorsement. My wife and I have evaluated these facts and have decided not to vaccinate our 11-year-old child for COVID. I urge parents in the community to think very long and hard on the matter before giving their children an experimental vaccine, with no long-term safety track record, for a disease that is not a threat to them.


Greg Sarber

Spaghetti Feed is on

Dear Editor and Community members;

We’re back! Several community members stepped up to organize, and through their combined efforts, we will once again hold our annual Spaghetti Feed on Tuesday, Dec. 14. If you want in on the fun, give our information, and let us know what you can do to help, call 907-235-7466. This will be a to-go only event. You will be able to either drive-through to get your lunch or have it delivered, as in years past. Therefore, whether you are planning on picking up yourself or having us deliver, plan now on spaghetti for lunch, Tuesday, Dec. 14 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

In other good news, we are gearing up to re-instate the Adopt A Family program and would like all that are interested to give us a call on the info line so we can provide you with the particulars on a household in need as soon as we have completed applications.

Bringing us to the most important part of this letter, Christmas Basket Applications will be available at local human services agencies, beginning Monday Nov. 22.

Please inquire at an agency where you or a member of your household, currently receive assistance. The agency will provide you with an application and if you need guidance on how to complete the form. You may also check with the pastor of your church, they may also be able to provide our application. Note: applications will be available at the Homer Community Food Pantry on Monday Nov. 29, Dec. 6 and Dec. 13 only, not on Monday, Nov. 22. Applications are due no later than Monday Dec. 13 and should be dropped off at Wells Fargo, either in the front foyer or through their drive up lanes.

If you have questions, on any aspect of this program, please leave a message at 907-235-7466.

Thank you, and please remember to …. Share the Spirit,

Kelly Glidden and Shari Daugherty, co-chairs, Basket Program; Jayne Locklar, President, Share the Spirit; Jonathan Adams, vice-President, Share the Spirit, Emmy Olsen-Drye, volunteer by birth

Thanks for World Arts support

With the dust having settled on us and our 2021 Festival behind us, on behalf of the Alaska World Arts Festival board of directors, thank you Homer for being part of another exciting cultural event. We owe special thanks to KBBI, Homer Chamber of Commerce, the Homer Foundation, Homer Theatre, Pratt Museum, Land’s End Resort, Homer Art & Frame, Atwood Foundation, AK State Council on the Arts, Alaska Airlines, Alice’s, Salmonfest, Salmon Sisters, Halibut Cove Live, and our Homer hosts, artists, and volunteers.

Thank you all for making it possible to share world culture with Homer!

Sally Oberstein